Jon Amaral, ACE, PHE
Jon Amaral, general manager of New Bedford Pest Control, New Bedford, Mass., can now add ACE and PHE behind his name: He obtained his Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) certification from the Entomological Society of America (ESA) Certification Corp. in February, and in March received his Public Health Entomology (PHE) certification — one of the first 100 people to pass the PHE exam.
Amaral began his career in pest management in 2007, starting as a New Bedford Pest Control technician as a junior in high school. He resides locally with his wife, Saydee, and their four sons: Jordan, Liam, Mason and Karter.
As noted on the ESA Certification Corp.’s website:
The Entomological Society of America, long the industry leader in certification through its Board Certified Entomologist (BCE) program, launched the ACE program in 2004 to offer a certification option geared specifically toward the pest management industry. Since then, over 1200 (and growing) ACEs have joined the ranks to demonstrate their professionalism and commitment to the structural pest management industry. The PHE certificate is being introduced to provide a similar opportunity to those who work with pests that pose a health risk; either by being a vector for disease, or other adverse health risks.

Photo: New Bedford Pest Control
Locally owned and staffed since 1965, when it was founded by the late Roger and Yvette Tougas, New Bedford Pest Control serves Massachusetts customers in Acushnet, Dartmouth, Fairhaven, Fall River, Freetown, Lakeville, Marion, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, Rochester, Westport and surrounding areas. According to New Bedford Pest Control’s website, the company “was built on the strong foundation of knowing the pest control industry and providing superior service to customers. By standing on those values, we have managed to stay in business for over 50 years and establish solid relationships with customers in the Southeastern Massachusetts area. We dedicate ourselves to providing our customers with the most professional, responsive, fairly priced, and innovative pest management service available.”
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