RISE hosts hybrid-style annual meeting


September 21, 2021


RISE President Megan Provost addressed an in-person and online audience during the RISE 31st annual meeting held with CropLife America in Florida. PHOTO: RISE

Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE) and CropLife America held a joint annual meeting Sept. 12-15 in Aventura, Fla., with about 500 participants.

Individuals from companies that provide pest and plant health solutions for the specialty pesticide agriculture markets attended the meeting virtually and in-person.

Attendees met for three days to collaborate, strengthen relationships and share information.

RISE President Megan Provost, who joined the association in December 2019, led her first in-person annual meeting and encouraged meaningful collaboration and engagement.

“Advocacy is always more effective when we build and maintain strong partnerships,” Provost said. “By collaborating and engaging meaningfully with our internal and external audiences, by convening a forum for partnership and information-sharing, and by amplifying our collective impact by acting as a force-multiplier, RISE can build and develop our membership and our coalitions to promote and protect access to pesticides and fertilizers.”

Sessions offer insight

A “Trends in Emerging Technology” session, presented by two university professors, focuses on innovative solutions that will more accurately target pests and improve plant health.

Other panels featured a discussion of current state legislative activities as they pertained to pesticide laws with panelists providing data-driven insights and specific examples on the effectiveness of grassroots advocacy in shaping pesticide policies.

A panel of formal federal agency appointees shared their insights and experiences about the important work and accomplishments of industry regulators.

Keynote Speaker David Wasserman, senior editor for The Cook Political Report who is recognized as one of the nation’s top election forecasters, provided analyses of 2022 mid-term elections and other insights.

The new 2021 RISE Governing Board and committees also met to develop tactics to address ongoing emerging issues in 2022, and recognized the year’s outstanding volunteers with three notable awards.

New Governing Board members

The RISE Governing Board met on Sept. 13; they elected one new member, Bill Culpepper, SePRO Corp.

The Board also elected its 2022 Executive Committee:

  • Stephanie Jensen, Chair, BASF
  • John Smith, Vice Chair, AMGUARD Environmental Technologies
  • Karen Larson, Treasurer, Clarke

Neil Cleveland, PBI/Gordon Corp., completed his term on the Governing Board. Those continuing their terms on the 2022 Governing Board are:

  • Daryl Allen, Corteva Agriscience
  • Kathy Bishop, Lebanon Seaboard Corp.
  • John Johnson, Prokoz, Inc.
  • Scott Lazarczyk, SBM Life Sciences
  • Todd Mason, Sipcam Agro USA
  • Jose Milan, Bayer
  • Blaine Pinkerton, Nufarm Americas, Inc.
  • Scott Reasons, Syngenta
  • Brian Rowan, SiteOne Landscape Supply
  • Nadia Sinno, FMC Corp.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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