Rob DiJoseph
Sometimes it feels like it has been a lifetime since I first came into this industry, and other times it feels like it was just yesterday that I joined the BedBug Central team. Regardless of the years, however, this industry is like no other. When we first started with the idea of BedBug Central, it was like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick. And well, it stuck… for over 10 years!
It’s amazing to see how much my team and I have grown over the past decade. Going from being a bed bug authoritative source into a pest control manufacturer, we’ve had a lot of bumps and bruises along the way, but we’re proud to be where we are today.
From our traveling bed bug road shows, speaking engagements and Boot Camp sessions, we’ve had the opportunity to see and hear what the industry was looking for when it came to bed bug solutions. We launched BedBug TV on YouTube to help with the conflicting information on bed bugs, which has garnered over 4 million views, as well as developing our first pest control product in 2012, the SenSci BlackOut.
Entering the manufacturing world presented its own set of unique challenges for us, but we were able to navigate them with the help of our team. Jeff White was instrumental in all of our product innovation, from concept to shelf. He is the mastermind behind all of the SenSci products, and continues to innovate new products, expanding beyond bed bugs.
Aside from country-wide travels, media appearances and product innovation, BedBug Central was instrumental in creating the first bed bug-exclusive industry conference, the North American Bed Bug Summit, in 2010. This conference was extremely well attended and eventually was partnered with the National Pest Management Association, which now calls the bi-annual event the Global Bed Bug Summit. The largest Global Bed Bug Summit event was held during 2018 in Denver, Colo., where there were more than 500 people in attendance.
As we continued to grow our company and product line in the following years, we knew it was important to expand beyond bed bugs. Jeff started development on our new product, the SenSci Pyramid Pitfall Trap, in 2020. This product focused on developing a glue trap that would work for both bed bugs as well as German cockroaches.
Alongside development of the SenSci Pyramid, we ventured into another path by developing our Supervisor Development Courses. These were initially offered through our sister organization, Evolve YT (Your Team). The courses focus on developing both current and emerging leaders by providing an applied learning environment where students can implement the tactics and tools on the same day. Our experts also offer personalized assessments on the enrolled students to help separate “contenders from pretenders” in your business.
After launching the courses and venturing into other pests, as a company, we decided that our name of BedBug Central just didn’t fit any longer and we needed a rebrand. Even though BedBug Central has been a staple in the industry for over a decade, the name just didn’t reflect our offerings any longer.
Thus, in 2021, we officially launched as TRNZ4m, featuring our two brands: SenSci and Evolve YT. Even though our look and name have changed, our values haven’t. We are devoted to growing businesses while transforming minds by providing effective, affordable pest control products and educational platforms.
There’s nothing we pride ourselves more in than being able to help our clients grow. Whether it’s by providing bed bug protocols, products or supervisor development courses, the outcome is always to make our companies better than before. And even though it will take time for the industry to recognize us as TRNZ4m, your favorite faces are all still here:
- Danny White is still your go-to guy for all sales- and bed bug-related information.
- Jeff White continues to innovate and create new SenSci products to improve your pest control operations.
- Sarah Latyn is killing it on the training and quality assurance front.
- Crystal Giberson keeps your inbox and social feed up-to-date on all our offerings.
- Jodi Baczor is providing you with a seamless experience on all of our web properties.
- Laura Cooper and Manny Corti’s upbeat customer experience is still second-to-none.
- Dianna Powers still provides you with complete order satisfaction, from beginning to end.
- And Joel Cooperman is still the financial guru, sharing his expertise with you in Evolve YT courses.
New addition Allison Berg is our New Client Acquisition Representative, who is here to handle all of your SenSci product questions.
It’s truly amazing to look back and see how far we have come, still standing and still growing. However, none of this would be possible without the hardworking talent we have within the walls of TRNZ4m; the pest control providers who believe in our “No Prep” philosophy; and all of our supporters over the years. None of our success could be possible without all of you, and we thank you for that.
As for what the future holds for TRNZ4m, we’re looking forward to creating even more pest control products to help optimize operational effectiveness, as well as help more companies improve upon their talent development, so they grow their business without the typical “growing pains.” We’re going to continue to strive to build the greatness in others, as well as ourselves, because that’s the true measure of success.
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