Each of the nine pest management professionals (PMPs) we interviewed this month for our Growth Leaders cover story brings his or her own life experience to the table. Mirroring the industry at large, some were born into families that owned the companies; others found their career paths after college, marriage and/or other careers.
And while each PMP offers unique insights that we hope you find either confirm what you’re doing in your own business is on the right track, or provide food for thought as you formulate future plans, a common theme emerged from this particular group. So, spoiler alert for our coverage: Know your company culture, and hire accordingly.
Set expectations with job candidates at the onset about how much you value punctuality, for example. Or perhaps your entire staff enjoys bantering with one another as they accomplish their work tasks, and a candidate may not feel comfortable in this environment. While the tight current labor market may make you feel like “beggars can’t be choosers,” adding people you quickly can tell aren’t going to mesh with your company vibe only puts off the inevitable — either them quitting because they are unhappy, or getting let go because they don’t follow
your policies.
As Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, notes: “People are not your most important asset. The right people are.”
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