For pest management professionals everywhere, finding the right product to solve common pest problems can be a challenge. CSI has found a solution: the Precision Delivery System (PDS). With a revolutionary design, this handheld micro-duster allows PMPs to deliver precise amounts of dry flowable formulations of Doxem Precise deep into cracks, crevices, and harborages — getting product exactly where it’s needed. With its sleek, state-of-the-art look, the PDS raises the level of professionalism in the pest control industry. Although, in the pest control industry, image is nothing without results! Doxem Precise, powered by indoxacarb, is fast-acting, long-lasting, and has a high efficacy for common pests such as ants, cockroaches, silverfish, stored product pests, and other listed pests. Control Solutions Inc. has a broad range of products for PMPs that are formulated and packaged in a modern production facility in Pasadena, Texas.
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