The Pi Chi Omega board is comprised of, from left, President Dr. Cassie Krejci; Treasurer Stacy O’Reilly; Director Glen Ramsey, BCE; Director Tom Mueller; Immediate Past President Mark “Shep” Sheperdigian, BCE; Director James Miller, ACE; President-Elect Desiree Straubinger, BCE; Secretary Gene White, BCE; and Director Dr. Hamilton Allen. Not pictured: Student Member Allison Faye Johnson.
They say “a rolling stone gathers no moss,” and Pi Chi Omega is a prime example. Between our amazing board, engaged members and industry partners, we seem to be picking up speed toward meeting our objectives, with no moss or obstacles to slow us down. We are expanding our programs, increasing our number of scholarships, picking up more members and have a newly installed board.
The keystone of Pi Chi Omega’s programs is our scholarship program, aimed at enriching the industry by promoting formal education within the field of entomology. Since 1976, beginning with our first scholarship recipient, Pest Management Professional (PMP) Hall of Famer Dr. Bobby Corrigan (Class of 2008), Pi Chi Omega has been providing financial support to students in the field of entomology. As I write this, our scholarship application season is open through March 15; we are delighted to add the R. Randall Rollins Memorial scholarship to the five perpetual scholarships already established.

This QR code can take you to the “Jr. Entomologist” program for educators.
The “Jr. Entomologist” program is our newest effort to promote education in urban entomology. This program includes a free, downloadable PowerPoint presentation that is designed as a one-time lesson plan for teachers of kindergarten through fifth grade. Created by entomologists, the presentation gives an overview on insects and rodents, the good they do for the environment, and the bad they can do (spread disease, destroy property, etc.) when they become a pest. The presentation also explores how the professional pest control industry can be an excellent career choice for those interested in biology and public health. The PowerPoint or the three-part video series can be downloaded and presented in your community, or can be shared with educators. Simply visit the “Jr. Entomologist” tab on PiChiOmega.org, or scan the QR code provided here.
In addition to our commitment to all things educational, we are also a social group. The networking, collaboration and creative solutions that stem from the interaction of our members prove to be one of the most valuable benefits of membership. At this writing, Pi Chi Omega is 436 members strong, and we recently added 20 members during the Purdue Pest Management Conference in January.
As a member, you are part of a fraternity of entomologists and pest control industry professionals whose common purpose is to promote formal education within urban entomology. All of our members are amazing, but among our ranks are some of the preeminent figures in academia and industry.
Pi Chi Omega strives to recognize those who stand out among us as stellar advocates and influencers of our industry through three awards presented during our membership meeting at PestWorld. Last year, we recognized PMP Hall of Famer Dr. Austin Frishman (Class of 2002), John Adams, and the Pi Chi Omega members who were authors of and contributors to The Biology and Management of the German Cockroach. Whomever we recognize this year will depend on you! Please think about a Pi Chi Omega member you know who deserves recognition for going above and beyond to further our mission, and nominate them by June 30, 2022. Visit Bit.ly/34Q0xA7 for a nomination form.
Last, but certainly not least, Pi Chi Omega installed a new board of directors at the membership meeting held in conjunction with PestWorld in November. Dr. Cassie Krejci, director of technical services for Terminix, will serve as president for the next two years. She is supported by a team of board members dedicated to moving forward the mission and vision of Pi Chi Omega. For a full list of our officers, directors and committee chairs, please visit our website. We have active committees and are always looking to engage members in the work of the fraternity. If you are interested in serving, please reach out to our executive staff.
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