Fox Pest Control donates to Fulton Block Builders


July 29, 2022

Logo: Fox Pest Control

Fox Pest Control is the newest donor to Fulton, N.Y.-based Fulton Block Builders, a neighborhood revitalization program that helps both homeowners and property owners recover part of the cost of their property improvements.

Linda Eagan, Fulton Black Builders director, received a phone call from Grayson Thiel, of Fox Pest Control, wanting to donate $300 to the organization, according to a Facebook post.

“FOX Pest Control has a location in Syracuse and each month we like to sponsor local organizations that are making a difference in the community. I recently came across your website and love what you are doing to reshape Fulton one block at a time. That is a great mission!” said Thiel in the Facebook post.

For the past six years, Fulton Block Builders and its financial supporters have provided matching grants and related programs to improve the housing stock and streets in the Fulton neighborhoods. Fulton Block Builders provides neighborhood grants to clusters of residents who apply together to complete exterior improvements on their properties. As a result, Fulton has benefited from an almost $3 million investment by property owners.

“Fulton Block Builders is extremely grateful to FOX Pest Control for their support of our program and community,” said Eagan in the post.

About Fox Pest Control

In 2012, brothers-in-law Mike Romney and Bryant White opened the first Fox Pest Control branch. Fox Pest Control now numbers more than 30 branches, all owned and operated by local residents. The company has helped over 50,000 customers get rid of pests from their homes and businesses.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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