Photo: marchmeena29/iStock / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
In today’s tech-driven world, almost everyone has a cell phone on them at all times. Whether it’s for business or personal reasons, cell phones typically don’t leave the side of their owner. In most cases, those same consumers are logged into their email on their phones as well. This creates an avenue where your pest control company’s marketing message is just one click away. Are you taking advantage of it?
Email marketing is one the most efficient ways for pest control businesses to stay in contact with their loyal customers – as well as communicate with lost leads. But the biggest potential opportunity that comes from having a solid email marketing strategy is often left untapped: automating your cross-selling initiatives and building awareness for all of the services and solutions you provide. With more and more people engaging with emails throughout the day via mobile devices, email campaigns can be a key tool in generating revenue.
Marketing automation software has made building effective email campaigns easier than ever. You can decide which email you want to send, at what time and to whom, with what message. Strategically planning your email campaigns can help generate leads, enhance productivity and manage customer relations, all while staying competitive in your market.
For pest companies who haven’t utilized email campaigns as part of their marketing strategy, there may be questions and concerns. To help you understand how to build an email campaign strategy that engages potential consumers and loyal customers, below are five tips to get you started.
1. Consistently collect email addresses
An effective email campaign requires a substantial amount of potential and existing, loyal customers. The goal is to enhance brand awareness, and the added benefit would be to upsell your current customers on other services. So, you need to make sure you have a target audience to reach. First things first: make it a part of your everyday business practice to have your CSR’s collect email addresses from both potential and existing customers. You will use these email addresses to build potential lists down the line with specific marketing messages.
2. Narrow your target audience
Next, in your marketing automation program, you will want to make sure fields are filled out in locations as fully and accurately as possible. This will help you accurately segment your lists as you put together email marketing strategies and plans, so that you can target people with the most appropriate message. Whether it’s trying to cross or upsell a specific service to your existing customers, or win back a lost lead for a service with a specific coupon, you need an accurate, targeted list you can work with. Nothing is more annoying than getting a completely irrelevant email from a company trying to sell you something!
3. Create educational content
One of the key reasons for an email campaign is to promote and educate the consumer on the value of the services or products you are selling. It is vital to create content that will be used to not only sell to your audience, but to educate and inform them as well. Ensure the content within the email campaign is helpful to your audience and answers the question, “what’s in it for me?” Don’t always hit your current customers with sales emails day in and day out – they’ll unsubscribe faster than you can sell to them.
4. Monitor performance and make tweaks
It is important to regularly evaluate and compare the success of your campaigns, whether it be quarter to quarter, year to year, etc. Effectively naming the campaigns will allow you to accurately compare them and collect necessary data to identify areas of success and improvement. Pay attention to key metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and conversions that come straight from emails (i.e. website submissions, phone calls, etc). Make tweaks to see what makes these numbers look better – from day of the week or time of day you send the email, to the subject line, to button texts and colors, and more.
5. Maintain a database of images
Successful email campaigns utilize photos to help illustrate the message. Upload images that can be used on a recurring basis to a gallery to easily access and use later.
Seamlessly managing email campaigns can help transform your marketing reach without the added costs. By maintaining a list of emails for your target market, you can utilize marketing automation software to schedule campaigns that will help build brand awareness and reach for your pest control company. The digital boom has made it easier for small and large businesses to reach their audiences with the click of a button, and email campaigns are the perfect way to stay in contact with potential and loyal customers regularly!
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