Because termite activity may increase given the milder winter so far, the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) is calling on the industry to spread awareness about termite threats during Termite Awareness Week, which is March 5-11.
As homeowners gear up for spring by dusting off their outdoor furniture and making cleaning lists, the pest control industry is focused on termite season. Recognized by Chase’s Calendar of Events, this annual observance encourages homeowners across the country to actively monitor for signs of termites and underscores the critical need for routine inspections.
“Pest control professionals know exactly how destructive termites are, but homeowners are often caught completely by surprise. First, to find out they have termites, and second, at the expense to correct more severe structural damage — it can be quite a one-two punch,” PPMA Executive Director Dr. Jim Fredericks, BCE, said in the news release. “PPMA is working to drive that message home and sharing with homeowners that in today’s economy, it is estimated that termites cause $6.8 billion in damage in the U.S. every year when you adjust for inflation.”
PPMA takes the stance that if more companies share this message, the louder and more impactful this message will be received.
“Our entire industry should be working together to communicate the importance of identifying and eradicating termite infestations and encourage proactive, routine termite inspections and partnerships with pest control professionals,” Dr. Fredericks said.
PPMA is launching a media relations campaign and a social media strategy across Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. It also recently launched its new Instagram channel, @PestWorldOfficial, and is working on a new, second season of its popular termite show, “Will They Eat It?” scheduled to be released in June 2023.
Pest control companies interested in joining PPMA for this campaign should use #TermiteAwarenessWeek on all social media channels when sharing content about this pest and are encouraged to share content posted on @PestWorld’s social platforms.
For Mainframe subscribers, an exclusive Termite Awareness Week toolkit will be shared on featuring downloadable assets such as a customizable press release, social media content, logos and cover photo images, media talking points and high-resolution photography and video assets. Reviewed for accuracy by NPMA entomologists, these materials are a resource for companies to use in their own promotional efforts.
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