Available now! Created by the design team of Bird Barrier’s popular wind-powered Eagle Eye product, new Bird Skip provides a solution for flat and slightly angled surfaces. It features two high-density (HD) composite fiberglass rods that rotate around a central base and spin in a continual circle, sweeping the area of pest birds. The telescopic rods fold into each other for transport and the unit is easy to assemble and install. Each rod is 5.5 feet in length and fitted with two wind cups. The combined length for this product is 11 feet in size, which protects a 100 square-foot area. The central base contains a durable double-bearing assembly, and no electricity is required. Bird Skip is ideal for solar panels; flat rooftops; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) units; swimming pool perimeters; pergolas; skylights; fishing ponds and paved surface areas. Three models are available: Wind Driven, Solar Powered and Building Powered.
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