FMC GSS Professional Solutions at Legislative Day


March 20, 2023


FMC team members presenting a check for NPMA’s PestVets program at PestWorld 2022 in October. PHOTO: FMC

FMC GSS Professional Solutions will once again be the premier sponsor for the National Pest Management Association’s (NPMA’s) 2023 Legislative Day in Washington D.C., which is March 22-24.

FMC has filled this role since Legislative Day’s inception in 1988.

“As a company, we’re solidly behind the pest industry’s efforts to keep Congress educated about new and ongoing challenges and opportunities for the many small businesses providing pest control services across America,” Dan Carrothers, commercial director for FMC North American GSS Professional Solutions, said in the news release.

A new initiative FMC is proud to introduce, in support of NPMA, is the PestVets Giveback Program. FMC will donate a portion of purchases on qualified products to PestVets presented annually at NPMA’s PestWorld.

“We’re excited to support NPMA and give back to those who have served our country,” said Kyle Richards, pest and nursery/greenhouse market manager for FMC.

Contributions to this program are based on purchases of qualifying products by FMC True Champions. FMC will donate a portion of purchases of Scion, Totality, CB-80, Transport Mikron and D-Force made from Jan. 1 to Aug. 31.

In addition, FMC will be sponsoring several events and programs at Legislative Day and beyond. Sponsorships occurring on March 22 include:

  • FMC is launching Operation Gratitude in conjunction with the NPMA
  • Luncheon and Keynote Debate with Mara Liasson and Jonah Goldberg
  • Legislative Day reception

The Legislative Day program features keynote speakers, panel presentations, and sessions covering the latest policy issues, industry data and challenges facing the pest management industry, including workforce development. This year’s program will also give attendees the opportunity to meet with congressional leaders in person for the first time since 2020.


About the Author

Ellen Wagner is a former digital editor for PMP magazine.

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