Josh Johnson
Target Specialty Products announced the next webinar in its Business Growth series titled “6 Secrets of Cockroach Management” on March 30 at 1:30 p.m. Eastern.
The free webinar will feature Josh Johnson, a territory sales manager for Control Solutions Inc. He will focus on cockroach basics, treatment issues, treatment options, the impact of applicators, and insecticide resistance. Throughout the program, he will highlight some of the Control Solutions Inc. products designed to face the challenges of cockroach management in 2023.
Johnson is the Florida territory sales manager for Control Solutions Inc. Over the past two years, he has strived to advance the industry through education, technical assistance and product knowledge.
He holds a bachelor of science in business administration and is a graduate of multiple programs at the University of Florida’s Pest Management University under Dr. Faith Oi. He is also licensed in Florida in commercial pest and wood-destroying organisms. With more than 10 years of industry experience through a variety of roles, he has developed a deep understanding of the problems, pitfalls and opportunities facing customers serving in roles at the crossroads of entomology, chemistry and customer service.
“Target Specialty Products is proud to partner with Control Solutions Inc. to take a closer look at the new challenges that PMPs face with cockroach management and provide them with the necessary solutions to eradicate this difficult pest,” David Helt, Target Specialty Products’ leader, said a news release.
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