Zoëcon: Gentrol Complete EC3


April 27, 2023



Gentrol Complete EC3 is a multi-rate formulation that combines the long-term control of Gentrol plus an insecticide for immediate relief for all levels of kitchen infestations. Designed for use in food-handling establishments, this combination formula breaks the insect life cycle with Zoecon’s pioneering insect growth regulator (IGR) (S)-hydroprene to prevent rebound, and lambda-cyhalothrin for immediate relief of adult insects. Keep insects out of the kitchen with Gentrol Complete EC3.

About Zoëcon Professional Products

Zoëcon was founded by Dr. Carl Djerassi in 1968, where his team was able to commercially produce a group of molecules called insect growth regulators (IGRs). This revolutionized insect control by introducing a method that interferes with the development and reproduction of insects. Beginning with methoprene, and the later discovery of hydroprene and kinoprene, these compounds became the building blocks of the comprehensive Zoëcon portfolio of insect control solutions.

In 2007, Central Garden and Pet acquired Farnam Products, which led to the creation of a new division, Central Life Sciences. Zoëcon is one of the business units under Central Life Sciences dedicated to creating healthier environments by offering professionally applied solutions to control nuisance and disease-carrying insects. In 2014, the acquisition of Envincio, manufacturers of the popular Essentria and EcoPCO products, added a robust lineup of natural and botanical insecticides and active ingredients to the Zoëcon Professional Products portfolio.

Today, Zoëcon’s product portfolio is designed to enable broad-spectrum, long-term residual control with a range of IGRs, adulticides, botanicals, synergists and combination products. The Schaumburg, Ill.-based company says it’s “committed to providing the tools professionals need to manage insect populations, prevent future infestations and reduce callbacks.”


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