The Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA) encourages pest industry members to celebrate Bed Bug Awareness Week this June 4-10, which is recognized by Chase’s Calendar of Events.
The PPMA, which serves as the public outreach arm of the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), is observing this week by educating the public through various media relations and social media tactics on, how to inspect for bed bugs when traveling, the signs of an infestation and the importance of working with a licensed pest control professional to treat an infestation.
“As Americans enter the post-pandemic era, they’re fully returning to summer travel and many are taking big, once in a lifetime trips. However, more travel means more opportunities for bed bug encounters,” Dr. Jim Fredericks, executive director of PPMA, said in the news release. “Bed bugs can be a serious issue in the home and are absolutely not a DIY task so it is our job as an industry to ensure travelers are armed with the information they need to avoid these pests.”
During this Bug Bug Awareness Week, PPMA will devote all @PestWorld social media pages to address these persistent pests, highlighting its bed bug videos and content from PestWorld.org. PPMA is asking all pest control companies to join in this awareness initiative by focusing their social media content on bed bugs throughout the week and to use the hashtag #BBAW in all posts.
PPMA also created a Bed Bug Awareness Week toolkit which is available for download to Mainframe subscribers on PPMAMainframe.org, a digital marketing hub containing hundreds of custom, professionally designed marketing materials and assets for pest control companies to use to promote their business. The toolkit contains a customizable press release, suggested social media content, Bed Bug Awareness Week logos, high resolution photography, and video content that can be directly embedded on a company’s website.
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