Bird Barrier’s Eagle Eye is a sustainable, scientifically based, open area bird deterrent system that scares birds away from unwanted areas by making use of light beams reflected from direct sunlight. The light spectrum from spinning Eagle Eyes disorients birds in flight by limiting their vision significantly. This causes the bird to deviate in flight and fly to another destination. Eagle Eyes are ideal for parking lots, rooftops, warehouse doors, building facades, agricultural settings, and public spaces. Typically, Eagle Eyes are recommended every 200 feet. Smaller units, known as Pro-Pellers, should be placed in between for added coverage. Eagle Eyes are available in wind-powered and 12-volt versions; the latter of which can be powered by a solar panel or plugged into a wall receptacle. The key to Eagle Eye installation is proper placement based on the building’s orientation, environment, obstacles, and the movement of the sun. Bird Barrier provides a placement guide for every project using satellite photos. Technicians can use this as a guide to install the units. Kits include mounting brackets and hardware.
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