‘Whitehall Wrapped In Canvas’
Our February 1969 cover story featured Ken “Nozzle” Nolen, son of Pest Management Professional Hall of Famer Truly Wheatfield Nolen (Class of 2006). Ken founded Nozzle Nolen in West Palm Beach, Fla., in 1951, which is now run by the third generation of Nolens. He helped his team fumigate drywood termites locally at the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum, which remains open to this day. The 75-room “winter retreat” was known as Whitehall when it was owned by Flagler, a Standard Oil founding partner, from 1902 to 1913.

Game changer: Magnetic schedule board
In the May 1969 issue, American Exterminating is profiled primarily to show off how its new magnetic schedule board saves “considerable time and effort in routing our servicemen, determining whether a service has been rendered and keeping track of our daily service calls,” according to third-generation owner Jim Miller. He is pictured here demonstrating how it works. Today, the Agawam, Mass.-based firm is known as American Pest Solutions. It is led by Jim’s son, Bob Russell, BCE.

Read the full articles from the February and May 1969 issues of PMP magazine.
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