Get broad-spectrum control and fast-acting results with ExciteR 55 Aerosol: Featuring synergized pyrethrins to kill fleas, ants, ticks and other labeled pests, ExciteR 55’s flip-up nozzle provides flexibility for indoor broadcast surface spraying and crack-and-crevice applications for hard-to-reach areas.
The product is labeled for: Granary Weevils, Rice Weevils, Maize Weevils, Broadnosed Grain Weevils, Coffee Bean Weevils, Lesser Grain Borers, Larger Grain Borers, Cadelles, Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, Merchant Grain Beetles, Flat Grain Beetles, Confused Grain Beetles, Red Flour Beetles, American Black Flour Beetles, Grain Mites, Yellow Mealworms, Dark Mealworms, Black Fungus Beetles, Black Carpet Beetles, Trogoderma Beetles, Hairy Spider Beetles, Hairy Fungus Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, Drugstore Beetles, Khapra Beetles, Angoumois Grain Moths, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Meal Moths, Indian Meal Moths, Clothes Moths, Chocolate Moths, Tobacco Moths, Almond Moths, Deer Flies, Drain Flies, Face Flies, Fruit Flies, Horn Flies, Horse Flies, House Flies, Lesser House Flies, Mosquitoes, Skipper Flies, Stable Flies, Deer Flies, Whiteflies, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Asian Lady Beetles, Earwigs, Yellow Jackets, Paper Wasps, Hornets, Bees, Nuisance Ants (excluding Pharaoh, Fire, and Harvester Ants), Wood Roaches, Cockroaches, Spiders, Silverfish, Crickets, Fleas, Ticks, Bed Bugs, Sowbugs, Aphids, Tree Hoppers, Citrus Psyllids
Central Life Sciences’ Zoëcon Professional Products offer insect growth regulators, adulticides, and other pest management solutions to control bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, flies, ants, and other pests in both residential and commercial markets.
According to CLS’ online history, Zoëcon was founded by Dr. Carl Djerassi, where his team was able to commercially produce a group of molecules called insect growth regulators (IGRs) which revolutionized insect control by introducing a method that interferes with the development and reproduction of insects. Beginning with methoprene, and the later discovery of hydroprene and kinoprene, these compounds became the building blocks of the comprehensive Zoëcon portfolio of insect control solutions.
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