ConidioTec, makers of Aprehend, offers a free series of seven short videos on its YouTube channel that discusses information essential to successful treatment for bed bug prevention and elimination. Starting with bed bug biology in segment one and ending with Aprehend storage and handling, viewers will finish the series with understanding and confidence for success with Aprehend. The entire series is 36 minutes in duration.
Topics included: customer prep, assessment-based pest management, strategic barrier placement, complimentary products, and customer education. Also, find tips and tricks that make pest management professionals’ (PMPs’) bed bug work faster and easier.
This Aprehend Training video series is essential for new Aprehend users, as a brush-up, or anyone doing bed bug work. Viewers can watch at their convenience, whether that’s in the evenings via mobile device or as a team at the weekly staff meeting.
The Aprehend Channel offers more than Aprehend Training. Find a playlist with ConidioTecTips — useful hints to boost efficiency and efficacy in the field. Another playlist is devoted to Aprehend equipment use, and yet another for troubleshooting and maintenance of your Aprehend equipment. There are even overview videos that explain Aprehend, which can useful for PMPs when their clients ask, “What is Aprehend and how does it work?”
ConidioTec also offers free live zoom bed bug training for your team. It can be personalized and focused to fit your needs. Contact them at orders@conidiotec.com to set it up.
About Aprehend
Aprehend is manufactured by ConidioTec, a privately held company based in Centre Hall, Pa. Its initial product, Aprehend, was launched in 2017 based on technology licensed from Pennsylvania State University. Aprehend is now sold throughout the U.S. and Canada and is increasingly relied upon for challenging infestations in residences, multi-unit housing, rental properties, long-term care facilities and commercial properties.
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