1. PMP GROWTH SUMMIT HEADQUARTERS The Reunion Resort & Golf Club has hosted all seven PMP Growth Summits since 2017.
2. MEET AND GREET PMP Editor-in-Chief Heather Gooch was among the staff members welcoming attendees and partners at the registration table.
3. SPOTLIGHT ON SUPPLIERS The Meet the Partners portion kicked off the event, giving attendees a chance to learn more about our partner companies before their one-on-one meetings. Here, Nisus Regional Manager Charlene Mertz provides a snapshot of the company’s history and products.
4. DINNER IS SERVED The Welcome Reception, sponsored by Control Solutions Inc. (CSI), gave attendees and partners a chance to get to know one another better over a meal.
5. RISE AND SHINE Discussion topics were included on each table during the Summit Roundtable Breakfasts Thursday and Friday. Breakfast was courtesy of Aprehend and included discussions on bed bugs.
6. SWEET SUMMIT SUITES Rockwell Labs was among the 14 partners, each with its own resort suite, to host two non-competing attendee companies on a schedule of 20-minute, personalized meetings on Thursday and Friday.
7. BEHIND THE SCENES PMP Digital Editor Ellen Wagner conducted video interviews for all attendees and partners, including this one with Molly Patton Marsh, CEO of Patton Pest Control.
8. DRINKS ON THE LINKS CSI, represented here from left by Josh Johnson and Karl Kibodeaux, sponsored the beverage carts for the Thursday golf scramble. Justine Caldwell managed one of the two carts for the event.
9. PUTT PUTT PLAYERS Several attendees opted to play on the new minature golf course at the Reunion Resort & Golf Club on Thursday afternoon. They include, from left, Justin Kendall, ACE, Pestmaster of Richmond; National Pest Management Association President Marillian Missiti, Buono Pest Control Co.; Wilson Christner, Whitmore Pest & Wildlife Control; JD Jaramillo, Friendly Pest Solutions; Janet Preece, Zip Zap Termite & Pest Control; Jason Rothamel, Dominion Pest Control; Richard Christner, Whitmore Pest & Wildlife Control; PMP Editor-in-Chief Heather Gooch; and Erika Milenkovic, Pest Czar.
10. A SUMMIT TRADITION J.T. Eaton President Dale Baker, left, and Pro Division Sales Manager Joe Smith, welcomed attendees and partners to the BBQ Dinner they sponsored Thursday evening.
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