Golden Circle celebrates golden anniversary


May 29, 2024

The Golden Circle team gathers in front of company headquarters. IMAGE: GOLDERN CIRCLE EXTERMINATORS

The Golden Circle team gathers in front of company headquarters. IMAGE: GOLDERN CIRCLE EXTERMINATORS

Golden Circle Exterminators is a family-owned, Christian-based company established in February 1974 by Terry and Nancy Dyer in Jackson, Tenn. Their son Marty Dyer is CEO of the 35-employee company today. Quadrupling annual revenue since 2013, Golden Circle Exterminators is poised for continued growth in Tennessee, Mississippi and beyond.

“We are always striving to maintain organic growth, as well as growth through acquisition when possible,” Marty Dyer said in a news release. “Becoming one of the Top 100 pest control companies in the nation continues to be a goal that we’re striving to accomplish.”

When Terry passed away in 2020, at age 78, Marty reflected in a Golden Circle Facebook post what he learned from his dad both in business and in life, including:

At first, when thinking about how to tell about his impact, it seemed impossible. Then I realized there’s a simple way to put it: My Dad just loved well.

The late Terry Dyer, left, with son Marty Dyer. IMAGE: GOLDEN CIRCLE EXTERMINATORS

The late Terry Dyer, left, with son Marty Dyer. IMAGE: GOLDEN CIRCLE EXTERMINATORS

My Dad loved Jesus well by giving his life to Christ and living his life for him. Dad always gave God credit for all of the blessings in his life. I remember him talking to me numerous times about Mom with affection, telling me how God had blessed him by letting him marry Mom. When I went into the family business, I remember him always telling me that it was the Lord’s business. He told me several times, “When I started this business, I gave it to God, it’s His and He can do with it what He wanted.” It was so very important for Dad to honor God with the way we ran the business, not only for our customers, but for the team. Dad strived so hard to treat others the way he would want to be treated and he felt just as strongly about that in relation to our team members as he did our customers.

My Dad loved well by adoring, loving and caring for Mom for 57 years. This kind of longevity in a marriage is rare for a reason….it’s hard. It takes great humility and sacrifice; my Dad had both. Watching that love reciprocated by my mom all these years, especially through hard times like the last few years of his life with Alzhiemer’s, was such a blessing for our family. They set a standard of true love for all married couples. Were they perfect? Obviously not. But what a testimony of God’s unconditional love they were. Our family has been so blessed to have Mom and Dad as an example. Through all the good times and bad, they just loved… Unconditionally. Oh my goodness, they loved each other so much.

My Dad loved well by loving his two sons and his family. Dad was a hard worker and that started at a very early age. There was never a doubt how much he loved us. Always working hard, sacrificing to provide for us, always doing what had to be done to take care of his family. Dad was a simple man, and by that I mean he intentionally didn’t live a complicated life. He was extremely smart; Dad had more common sense than I’ve ever seen in anyone. He just figured stuff out. He would show us how to do something or how to fix things and I remember thinking “How in the world does he know how to do that?” I’ve always thought he could do just about anything. I have such fond memories of how much Dad cared for and loved my wife Malesa and Carey’s wife Dena. He was so proud of them. We just never doubted his love for us.

Dad loved well by loving and cherishing his grandchildren. He was so proud of them. Dad bragged so much on their accomplishments, just like mom and so many other grandparents. You might’ve seen pictures on the screen of first fish caught, concerts, plays…every event he was able to attend, he was there. Oh, side note, did I mention how much Dad loved to fish? If you knew Dad, you knew that fishing was his go-to get-a-way. And he didn’t just like to fish, he could’ve been on the professional bass circuit. I remember so many times growing up, we’d be on the lake, and he just knew where to cast his lure. It’s like he could smell them…kind of like he was with termites; he just knew where they were. Dad sure loved his grandkids.

It’s just about impossible, trying to explain the influence of Dad on my life; on our families’ lives. He was just larger than life. Dad just loved so well. What a legacy.


About the Author

Heather Gooch

Heather Gooch is the editor-in-chief for PMP magazine. She can be reached at or 330-321-9754.

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