When pests like ants, cockroaches and spiders make themselves at home on customers’ properties, you can put a double assault on pests with one product. Tandem insecticide from Syngenta combines two powerful ingredients and two modes of action to control more than 90 pests, providing a single solution for your pest control needs.
Tandem offers:
- A ZC formulation with trademarked iCAP technology, which ensures a controlled release of the active ingredient lambda-cyhalothrin
- Systemic action that targets honeydew-producing insects, which are a major food source for many ants
- Flexible use indoors, outdoors and in food-handling establishments as directed by the product label
- Proven spider control as part of Syngenta’s SecureChoice Spider Assurance Program
Achieve long-lasting control of more than 90 pests indoors and outdoors with Tandem.
About Syngenta Professional Pest Management
Based in Greensboro, N.C., the U.S. Syngenta Professional Pest Management division is part of Syngenta Group, a worldwide manufacturer headquartered in Switzerland. Among its many initiatives, Syngenta actively partners with conservation groups around the world to maintain natural environments and eradicate pests that threaten native species. As a developer of innovative pest control products, Syngenta works with conservationists to provide solutions to aid wildlife recovery efforts that help communities boost nature-based tourism and fuel economic growth.
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