Women in Pest Control award nominations open


September 30, 2024




The Women in Pest Control (WIPC) organization has opened nominations for awards to be handed out at the 2025 Women in Pest Control: Breaking Barriers Conference.

Categories include:

The deadline for nominations is Oct. 31, 2024. The 2025 conference will take place March 6-7, 2025, in Kansas City, Mo.

About Women In Pest Control

Women In Pest Control’s mission is to provide professional and personal development opportunities for pest management professionals with underrepresented genders.

WIPC will deliver programs that contribute to the personal and professional development of its members through a forum that provides growth and support while championing education and celebrating success. Within that framework, WIPC strives to provide opportunities for people to connect and support one another on issues unique to them.

WIPC achieves its vision while holding onto the values of providing safe spaces for underrepresented genders in the pest management profession. WIPC will provide an uplifting, and positive environment. WIPC believes all questions deserve to be answered without derision or malice, as all people are in different places on their journeys.


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