Pros share their best cockroach management strategies


December 12, 2024



We asked Pest Management Professional’s columnists and editorial advisory board members to share some of the best cockroach management lessons they’ve learned throughout their careers. Here are some of their responses from our December 2024 print edition.

PMP’s Editorial Advisory Board and Regular Contributors

Michael Broder

Michael Broder

Greg Baumann: “Be flexible and inspect when cockroaches are most active, not just during the day.”

Michael Broder: “Don’t get stuck thinking cockroaches live only in dirty areas. Cockroaches can survive on anything, and we have found infestations in some of the cleanest areas imaginable. If you start to think they can’t be in a clean area, you’ve already lost.”

Foster Brusca: “Rotate your baits. Do not just use one bait forever; switch it up with a bait that has a different active ingredient and food attractant.”

Doug Foster: “Just when you think you’ve looked everywhere for the problem, keep looking. After years of battling cockroaches, this mantra never fails me.”

Jerry Schappert

Jerry Schappert

Jerry Schappert, ACE: “Nothing surprises me anymore; I’ve been at it so long. However, when I think I’m on top of it — confident — I get whacked. Don’t get comfortable. That’s when you get behind the eight ball.”

Paul Hardy: “Cockroach management is more than just treatment. I’d say 60 percent of it is about professionalism — maintaining relationships with customers, sharing your knowledge, and showing up on time and dressed to play.”

Kurt Scherzinger

Kurt Scherzinger

Eric Scherzinger: “Kill them all! Attack cockroaches with a flushing agent and vacuum them up as they are being flushed out. Then bait the areas heavily, but in the right spots.”

Kurt Scherzinger, ACE: “When going in for cleanouts, using a vacuum makes a world of difference.”

Pete Schopen: “Fecal focal point: ‘Find the poop; find the problem.’ Dr. Austin Frishman’s advice still holds true today as it did 40 years ago.”

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