WSDA’s hornet eradication team after removing hornets from the tree at the first U.S. hornet nest detection in October 2020, were from left, Chris Looney, Cassie Cichorz, Sven Spichiger and Rian Wojahn. PHOTO: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE)
After three years without confirmed detections, the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) have declared the northern giant hornet (Vespa mandarinia), previously known as the “murder hornet,” officially eradicated from the United States.
“We’re pleased to announce the eradication of the northern giant hornet in Washington state,” Derek Sandison, WSDA director, said. “I’m incredibly proud of our team, which has dedicated years of hard work to safeguarding our state and the nation from this invasive threat to our native pollinators and agriculture. I’d also like to acknowledge the federal, state and local support that made this feat possible.”

The northern giant hornet was first detected in North America in British Columbia, Canada, in August 2019 and confirmed in Washington state in December 2019. Although the two detections were close in time and location, DNA evidence suggests there were two different introductions, as specimens from each location appeared to originate from different countries.
“We are proud of this landmark victory in the fight against invasive species,” said Dr. Mark Davidson, deputy administrator at USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. “The success of this effort demonstrates what’s possible when agencies and communities unite toward a common goal. By tackling this threat head-on, we protected not only pollinators and crops, but also the industries, communities and ecosystems that depend on them.”
Had the hornets become established in the country, they could have posed a significant threat to honey bees and other pollinators and native insects. Northern giant hornets are able to kill an entire honey bee hive in as little as 90 minutes. They also pose a threat to human health, as their sting is more dangerous than that of a honey bee.
“Without the public’s support for this effort, it is unlikely we would be announcing the eradication of northern giant hornet today,” Sven Spichiger, WSDA pest program manager, said. “All of our nest detections resulted directly or indirectly from public reports. And half of our confirmed detections came from the public. The people of Washington can be proud that we did this by working together.”
Although unable to obtain the specimen, WSDA did place traps in the area and conduct outreach to encourage reports of additional suspected sightings. Neither trapping nor outreach yielded additional evidence of hornets in the area. WSDA will conduct trapping in the area in 2025 as a precautionary measure.
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