Hi, my name is Chris White. I’m from Tap Pest Control Insulation. I’m the director of sales and business development. A lot of our customers who come to us are interested in starting a TAP program, but really have no idea how to do it. It is sort of a separate type of process and type of service than what they’re used to.
Although it is an EPA-registered pesticide and acts as a pesticide in the attic, the insulation aspect of it is something that’s a little bit different. So we’ve developed a turnkey program that actually makes getting into the business very, very easy. So what we’ll do is we’ll talk a little bit with the customer about what’s required on startup costs and how to actually sell the program, once they see the opportunity to get into it, then we go ahead and get them to order the equipment and get everything going. And as we do that, there’s a lot of little extra homework in there. We want to develop a rate card. We want to develop contracts for the homeowner so they have something to give the homeowner as a contract for the job. We also talk about the workflow process. How does it go from a sold job to an installed job and all the steps in between.
In addition, once we get all of that information, I’m able to put a training program together to train not only their sales team, but we can also train their install team on how to put the product in, because a lot of that is also very new to them. So by going through all of the different items and requirements in an attic, between recess light covers and baffles in the attic, and making sure the attic is breathing. We go through all of that to train them on the equipment that we have, and the equipment that we have, both include the vacuums and the blowing equipment. That’s also that’s part of the initial purchase.
So when you get started, you’re never out on a limb, because the way we look at it is we want you to be successful. So we’re not interested in just selling you the equipment and telling you good luck. We want to be with you throughout that process so that when you get going, you’re going to be successful, and therefore we’re going to be successful.
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