February 01, 2017
Q: In a city park about the size of 10 football fields, pyramid ants (Dorymyrmex spp.) are on every square inch of the park. I can’t keep the ants out......
December 28, 2016
Q: A customer who makes specialty food products keeps small quantities of whole grains in a cooler, which is set at below freezing. My question is, how long does the......
November 23, 2016
Q: In a hospital sterile area, a janitorial closet has a drain fly problem. A vent stack for the drain system opens about 4 ft. above the floor. The elbow......
October 24, 2016
Q: A homeowner is finding about a dozen black carpet beetle adults (Attagenus unicolor) in her bathroom every day. There are no carpets or other wool products in the bathroom.......
September 14, 2016
Email your questions about insect identification and pest management technologies and techniques to Dr. Mampe at dentomol@aol.com. Your questions most likely will be printed and answered in one of Pest......
August 10, 2016
Email your questions about insect identification and pest management technologies and techniques to Dr. Mampe. Your questions most likely will be printed and answered in one of Pest Management Professional’s......
July 29, 2016
Q: A homeowner has a cigarette beetle infestation in her pantry. She buys large quantities of organic food and stores them for months. In one glass container, I found cigarette......
July 04, 2016
Restaurants are a potential buffet for house mice and other rodents. Q: We just landed a restaurant account with a heavy mouse infestation. Can we use tracking powder in the......
May 03, 2016
Q: What is the insect in the picture I sent you via email, and what should I do about it? I am finding them on the side of a house......
April 04, 2016