Dr. Janis Reed, BCE, Technical Services Manager, Control Solutions Inc.
August 21, 2018
Some states require professionals to carry a trapper’s license in addition to their pest control license....
August 10, 2018
In their natural habitat, springtails typically feed on fungi, plant material or algae. ...
August 01, 2018
Identification is key in making a management plan — and the first step in determining whether a management plan is necessary. ...
March 14, 2018
There are many old wives tales and folklore surrounding the correct way to remove a tick that has embedded itself into your (or another animal’s) skin. Living in the south,......
March 07, 2018
Be sure you are charging enough for the work you are performing, especially for bed bug work. Your professional training, knowledge, skills and experience should demand top dollar. Here are......
November 29, 2017
"... don’t be afraid to try something you’ve never tried before."...