Allergy Technologies Affordable Housing Control

ATAHC Cuts Bed Bug Infestations by more than 95% in Affordable Housing

The Allergy Technologies Affordable Housing Control platform, trademarked as ATAHC, is proven to control and prevent bed bug infestations in affordable housing. In a Philadelphia, Pa., community, ATAHC has reduced bed bug reintroductions by more than 95 percent, offering pest management professionals (PMPs) an entry point into the $15 billion untapped affordable housing market.

Historically, reactively fighting bed bugs in affordable housing communities has been an uphill battle. Attempting to effectively remediate these pests once they’ve established throughout a multi-floor, multi-home residential building was almost impossible.

Chuck Cerbini

But now there is hope. Allergy Technologies has worked in close partnership with expert PMPs, building management, housing authorities, maintenance staff, and residents to identify the specific challenges affordable housing communities face when attempting to eliminate bed bugs.

The result is the ATAHC program, the only proactive, property-wide, and prevention-based bed bug solution that addresses each of these challenges head-on, empowering PMPs to do what they do best: control and prevent bed bugs.



Resident Access

Getting residents to answer their doors is one of the biggest hurdles to a successful bed bug treatment strategy. Earning residents’ trust through relationship building, timely performance, and re-establishment of dignity and self-respect are essential to gaining entry.

The ATAHC program engages core residents in every property to serve as “Resident Property Coordinators,” to act as PMP escorts, program liaisons and resources of information.

Delays with Building Management

ATAHC works as a buffer between building management and PMPs, by controlling scheduling, payments, and all other administrative details, allowing PMPs to effectively manage their time and streamline deployment of labor.

Hesitant Staff

Sometimes maintenance staff in this environment avoid addressing bed bug issues for fear of bringing them home to their own families. Through education, ATAHC gives building employees the knowledge and confidence that there is a proven solution, and assurance that they — and their families — are protected.

Unexpected Roadblocks

Bed bug control in affordable housing must be an “inside job.” ATAHC works hand-in-hand with resident councils and key community leaders to build trust, get insights into the particulars of the community, secure resident buy-in, gain access to the homes of reluctant residents, and overall promote advocacy for the program. When issues arise — and they always do — you need support from the resident council leaders to smooth them over and ease residents’ concerns.

A New Approach: Prevention

After ATAHC addresses the problem in a holistic, facility-wide fashion, with full community buy-in, reducing bed bug levels to near zero, the program can then implement its preventive-based phase of the program, which is geared toward all-but-eliminating reintroductions — and costly callbacks.

Joseph Latino

Synergistically, ActiveGuard Mattress Liners, desiccant, silica-based dust, and bed bug monitors are core elements of ATAHC’s preventive approach, augmented by periodic inspections. Meanwhile, ATAHC management provides the program with continuous quality assurance/quality control for all service providers, which is fundamental to the successful control and sustained low levels of bed bug activity long-term.

Results from ATAHC’s Landmark Program Launch in Philadelphia

A $15 Billion Opportunity

ATAHC is offering PMPs an entry ramp onto the $15 billion untapped market that is affordable housing. ATAHC-certified PMPs enjoy an enormous service offering opportunity that improves scheduling efficiency. The program also reduces the time needed to resolve resident access issues commonly seen in the sector, while enjoying a level of cooperation among residents, staff and PMPs that has heretofore remained unachieved.

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This page was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with ATAHC. NCM Content Marketing connects marketers to audiences and delivers industry trends, business tips and product information. The PMP editorial staff did not create this content.