Optimize Your Trapping Plan with iQ Products
Two of the most important aspects of quality rodent control are knowing your target and using the best tools for the job. Because rats and mice have distinct habits, pest control technicians must customize their trapping approach for optimal results. When technicians pair their trapping plan with the efficiency and data provided by Bell’s iQ traps, powered by Bell Sensing Technologies, it’s sure to be a winning combination.
Here are some tips for using T-Rex iQ snap traps and 24/7 iQ multi-catch traps to eliminate infestations at accounts.
Know Your Target
Trapping Wary Rats
Rats tend to be neophobic, which means they often fear new things. Their cautious nature makes placing active traps in their environment less effective. This is why pre-baiting traps is crucial.
Pre-baiting is when you place a trap but don’t activate it. Position the trap backward against a wall and bait it without setting it for three to seven days. Rats will get used to the traps in their space during this period. They will crawl over the traps and spread their scent, which will build up a false sense of security.
After the pre-baiting period, set the traps and face them toward the wall. The next rat that walks by and takes bait from the trap will likely fall victim, lured into a false sense of security by the days they spent taking bait from an unarmed trap.
Baits for pre-baiting include Detex Soft Bait and Provoke rat gel. Both are non-toxic and palatable, making them excellent choices for pre-baiting.
If an account is food-rich, like a restaurant or grocery store, these baits may not be as effective because they must compete with food sources the rodent is already comfortable eating. In these scenarios, baiting with nesting materials, like cotton balls or toothpicks, may be more effective.
Catching Curious Mice
Trapping mice differs from trapping rats because mice tend to be neophilic, meaning they are curious about new objects. However, their instinct to jump when encountering new objects makes them harder to catch, so the more traps there are in an area, the more likely you are to catch jumpy mice. For severe mice infestations, place pairs of traps close together to improve catch rates.
Even though mice are more curious than rats, it’s becoming popular to pre-bait for them, especially if you aren’t seeing results. Detex Soft Bait, Provoke mouse gel, and nesting materials can all be used to pre-bait for mice.
Optimizing Your Trapping Plan
Checking every trap is a major time loss when servicing an account, especially when many of those traps are empty. Large accounts can have hundreds of traps, often in hard-to-reach places, and that takes a toll on a technician’s time and body. With iQ, that problem is solved.
Each iQ product contains a built-in Bluetooth sensor that records rodent activity data. Technicians are then able to download that data via the free Bell Sensing app.
In the case of the T-Rex iQ and 24/7 iQ, the app allows technicians to know exactly which traps have a catch without them needing to check each one. This benefit becomes especially noticeable when T-Rex iQ snap traps are set out of reach in drop ceilings, rafters, behind heavy equipment and other areas rodents like to frequent. The wireless technology spares technicians from needing to crawl into cramped – and potentially dangerous – places.
T-Rex iQ snap traps are versatile because they feature holes in the bottom so they can be easily secured to pipes, baffles and other objects, and they also fit in Bell’s tamper-resistant bait stations.
The 24/7 iQ multi-catch mouse trap is ideal for trapping indoors, especially near exterior doors. The trap has a sleek and attractive design that allows it to blend in with any environment. 24/7 iQ can also hold Trapper LTD disposable glue boards for quick clean-up. Both traps are completely water- and weather-proof.
The Power of Data in Rodent Control
iQ’s work isn’t done after service is over.
After service, the data iQ products gather is sent to the Bell Sensing portal where it’s automatically formatted into easy-to-read reports. These reports break down the rodent activity data into peak times, activity frequency, activity hotspots, and more.
These reports are also an excellent customer service tool. Technicians can share the information with their customers and ask why activity may be spiking at certain times, for example. The reports are also an excellent way to show customers the difference pest control service is making at their property, allowing them to understand the value of your service.
No matter the trapping situation, T-Rex iQ and 24/7 iQ has you covered. To learn more about these products or the entire iQ product line, contact your local Bell representative or visit bellsensing.com.

This page was produced by North Coast Media’s content marketing staff in collaboration with Bell Laboratories. NCM Content Marketing connects marketers to audiences and delivers industry trends, business tips and product information. The Pest Management Professional editorial staff did not create this content.