ATLANTA — Reports of Brown Recluse spider bites are on the rise in the southeast, although this menacing pest with the characteristic dark brown violin marking is not commonly found in this part of the country. Arrow Exterminators was recently featured on the Fox network and asked for their expertise on this pest to address public concerns that have been prevalent in the southeast.
According to Richard Spencer, Arrow’s vice president of Technical Services and Quality Control, “Brown Recluse spiders are rare in this area, though they could possibly be imported due to the nature of our mobile society. They live outdoors in debris and woodpiles and are usually found indoors in storage areas such as basements and attics.”
Spencer explains, “When we receive a call regarding the Brown Recluse spider, we have a specific protocol we follow. The first thing we advise a customer to do if they suspect they have been bitten by a Brown Recluse spider is to contact a medical professional.” He goes on to advise that the customer attempt to trap rather than kill the spider to have it available for identification. “Positive identification is necessary for proper medical treatment as well as determining how to best treat a property for eradication of the pest.”
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