By Doug VanGundy, Senior Director, Research and Development
With a large amount of stinging insect infestations each year in the United States, it is imperative that pest management professionals (PMPs) work with homeowners to take the appropriate steps in preventing these outbreaks before they begin. Here are some tips to help you and your customers identify and control a stinging pest infestation:
• The eaves of the home are the most popular nesting spot for most species of paper wasps. Other areas to check include attics, soffits and window and door casings.
• Paper wasp nests are typically umbrella-shaped and are built out of a paper-like material. In addition to the common locations listed above, they can be found on light fixtures, grills, outdoor furniture and mailboxes.
• Hornet nests may resemble a large gray football, and are usually affixed to trees, bushes and the side of the house.
• Yellowjacket nests can be harder to spot, as they are typically built underground, beneath rocks or inside attics and/or crawlspaces indoors.
• Nests may be easiest to spot in the early morning when colonies are most active, but are best treated in evening hours when they are less active.
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