Bed Bugs Make Movie Especially Creepy


April 10, 2015

Some moviegoers in Indiana got creeped out, but not because of what they were watching on the big screen. They were bitten by bed bugs, the IndyStar reports. The day after a college student watched “Furious 7” at AMC Showplace Traders Point 12 in Indianapolis, she developed bites that gradually grew larger and required medical attention, according to the article. A statement issued by theater owner AMC Theatres confirmed the presence of the pests in one of its Indianapolis-area move theaters, but would not say which one. The company said the theater was professionally treated and would remain closed until it is treated and inspected again. The article goes on to quote the National Pest Management Association, which said a survey it conducted in 2013 showed “just 10 percent of bedbug outbreaks were found in movie theaters.”

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