A Scientific Look at Why Bed Bugs are Here to Stay


April 27, 2015

Infested: How the Bed Bug Infiltrated Our Bedrooms and Took Over the World is a new book by science writer Brooke Borel that examines why bed bugs have become so prevalent after years of dormancy. Technology website Gizmodo includes an excerpt from Borel’s book, which she was inspired to write after twice enduring bed bug infestations. This particular section offers an interesting explanation of how in 1965, Army entomologists considered using bed bugs as a means to detect the enemy in combat during the Vietnam war. She goes on to reveal that the pests’ resistance to DDT and pesticides is not lost on scientists. From a pest management perspective, the most interesting part of the excerpt is this: “The events of the past 25 years have taught us that virtually any chemical control method we have devised for insects is eventually destined to become obsolete, and that insect control can never be static but must be in a dynamic state of constant evolution,” Borel writes. Check it out here.


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