The Entomological Society of America says new insects have been discovered in Belize and Peru, but warns we may soon miss our chance to find other undiscovered bugs. An article entitled “Neotropical genera of Naucoridae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha): New species of Ambrysus and Procryphocricos from Belize and Peru,” was published in The Annals of the Entomological Society of America and includes descriptions of the new insects. Science Daily, however, says the scientists who found the two new saucer bugs, which are also known as creeping water bugs, believe time is running out on insects we have no record of. Says Dr. William Shepard of the University of California-Berkeley‘s Essig Museum of Entomology, one of the scientists who made the most recent discovery, “We must collect now because of the destruction of the Amazon forests. Habitat is being destroyed by mining and clear-cutting. We have to try and get as many insects as possible so we can at least save records that these things existed. Insects get studied last, since they’re less charismatic.” Click here to read more.
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