Fruit flies. Although these pests are a helpful reminder to throw away the fruit you meant to eat, they can be annoying and difficult to eliminate completely. FreshFruit reports the Australian government developed the National Fruit Fly Research, Development and Extension Plan to seek alternatives to chemicals that can no longer be used to control them and head off an invasion from more harmful fruit fly species. Australia’s horticulture industry is worth $7.2 billion a year and $615 million in exports, according to Australia’s Minister for Agriculture. The 52-page plan also addresses how climate change may affect populations of fruit flies, and reveals the insects may invade Tasmania and New Zealand. Plus, it warns the Oriental fruit fly may cause major problems unless action is taken soon. “This is a 20 year plan to manage the risks of exotic fruit fly species entering Australia, reducing potential impacts to production and improving market opportunities,” said Barnaby Joyce, Australia’s Minister for Agriculture. Click here for tips on how to control these tiny pests.
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