Can you spot six pest-attracting elements in this picture? Click the photo to reveal the answers.
Photo: Mark Sheperdigian
The restaurant has a problem with filth flies (Diptera). Can you see why?
First, consider the dumpster. It’s overflowing and sits just outside the back door.
There are several other causes you should notice as well. The fresh bread trays, which will be attractive to filth flies, are stacked right outside the same door. Note also the water hose stored less than 5 ft. from this same door. Unless it’s carefully maintained, storing the hose there will result in a damp area that will attract and breed many invertebrates that can become occasional invaders.
If that wasn’t enough, the downspout has a spillway that is too short and delivers rainwater right into the expansion joint of the walkway. Between this and the hose, it might be quite damp under the slab.
We’re not done yet. There’s a light fixture installed directly over the very same door that will attract night-flying insects throughout the evening hours. No matter what time of day it is, pests that have been attracted to the area will enter the restaurant as soon as the door is opened.
It would be bad enough if the door was only opened for deliveries and for taking out the trash, but an ashtray sits right outside the same door. I wouldn’t be surprised if the door was propped open during smoke breaks.
If the restaurant management’s intent was to encourage pests to enter the building, they’re doing just fine.
You can reach Contributor Dr. Sheperdigian at sheperdigian@earthlink.net.
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