March 22, 2023
Mark Sheperdigian expands on the myth that "not all the droppings should be cleaned out of traps or bait stations because they’ll attract more mice." ...
December 15, 2022
The Indianmeal moth is the single most-common stored product pest in retail food stores. That also is why it is the single most-common stored product pest in homes....
October 19, 2022
Mark Sheperdigian, BCE, shares how eliminating spiders is only half the battle and how to brush down the webs to look like a hero....
August 19, 2022
Some ticks have effects beyond the diseases they transmit. Lone star ticks are thought to be responsible for a red meat allergy....
June 01, 2022
Long-term mosquito control requires more than a quick fix. Eliminating the sources will pay huge dividends, but you have to be able to find them. ...
April 13, 2022
Several of the most difficult ant species to control belong to a group known as tramp ants. Tramp ants have shared behaviors that make them successful as pests....
February 02, 2022
Mark Sheperdigian, BCE, explains that sebum is an indicator of rodents since it builds up every time a rodent rubs up against a surface....
November 30, 2021
Baking season marks an upsurge in stored product pest calls, and it takes a long time for stored product pests to develop. ...
October 06, 2021
Most spiders have eight eyes, but the brown recluse has only six. Check out two other fascinating spiders that have only six eyes. ...
September 14, 2021
Check out Pi Chi Omega updates including PestWorld 2021, scholarship news and how to become a member....