Software, mobile apps empower PMPs


May 9, 2016

MOBILE2.0_iPhone-Appointments-Screenshot-2Never underestimate the power of pest management professionals (PMPs) who leverage the latest business technology. They often work smarter and faster.

A variety of software solutions and mobile applications are available to help PMPs streamline their administrative processes. PMPs can use these tools to better manage inventories, automatically generate reports, instantly create custom proposals and invoices, and even immediately pinpoint the location of a technician who’s
en route to a jobsite.

Tasks that were once tedious and time consuming — if not unfathomable — now can be completed with a click of a mouse or a touch of a screen.

Technology developers are constantly finding new ways to improve everyday business processes. But because technology is constantly evolving, it only makes our jobs easier if we know what new technology is best to use — where, when and how.

For a good place to turn for a tech tune-up, view our recap of a recent industry technology user event, and share related trends and tips.

You can reach Managing Editor Diane Sofranec at or 216-706-3793.


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