Always wear protective gear, like Laura Dykes of Cooper Pest Solutions.
Photo: Cooper Pest Solutions
For many pest management professionals (PMPs), mosquito management is an add-on service, and it can be a lucrative part of the general pest control business. Here are 10 ways PMPs can boost their mosquito management market share:
1. Manage customer expectations.
PMPs who tell customers their services will reduce the number of mosquitoes, but not eliminate them all, will have fewer callbacks.
2. Inspect and investigate.
Mosquitoes lay eggs and develop in stagnant water. A thorough inspection will reveal water in places PMPs might not immediately notice (clogged gutters, flowerpots, etc.). Neighboring properties may also be sources.
3. Insist customers eliminate conducive conditions.
Control will be more effective once customers remove places where water collects.
4. Know your species.
PMPs who know which mosquito species are prevalent in the area will be better able to manage them. Government agencies such as county health departments and state mosquito control boards are good sources of information, or consult an entomologist for help. Then, plan the treatment accordingly.
5. Watch weather conditions.
PMPs who apply product when it’s raining are wasting time and money. Spraying when it’s windy is a serious safety issue. Follow label directions for when it’s acceptable to apply products.
6. Research methods of treatment.
Consult with manufacturer representatives and distributors to determine which products (liquids, granules, dunks, adulticides, larvicides, etc.) and equipment will be most effective.

Laura Dykes takes the time to inspect for places where mosquitoes may develop.
Photos: Cooper Pest Solutions
7. Keep equipment in good working order.
Whether using backpack sprayers, backpack mist blowers or residential misting systems, PMPs should be sure the equipment works as intended every time. It’s equally important to always wear the appropriate protective gear, such as long sleeves and pants, gloves and a respirator.
8. Wait for clients’ ‘all-clear.’
PMPs should give customers a heads-up before each treatment, as pets and children may be in the yard. It’s a good idea to inform neighbors too, especially if they are in close proximity to the treatment site.
9. Time it right.
Offer mosquito management services when mosquito season begins, and continue on a regular basis throughout.
10. Send a positive marketing message.
Don’t scare customers. Sure, the possibility of contracting the Zika virus and other mosquito-borne viruses and diseases can be frightening, but promising that mosquito management services will prevent them is a mistake. It’s better to promote the ability to once again enjoy the backyard.
Managing Editor Diane Sofranec can be reached at dsofranec@northcoastmedia.net or 216-706-3793.
PMP 2016 Mosquito Management Survey
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