The Quigley Creed: The ABC’s of Running a Great Business


June 28, 2016

Today’s guest blogger is Patrick Quigley, president of Sales Training by Design, with some A to Z tips for running your business. You can download a PDF of the Quigley Creed (as seen below) from:

SalesByDesignInfographicFinalThe Quigley Creed – The ABC’s of Running a Great Business

A – “It is your Attitude, not your Aptitude, that determines your Altitude.”
—Zig Ziglar

BBelieve that you can reach the stars, and you will.

CClients don’t forget, they come first every day.

DDeliver the best service every time.

EExceed customers’ expectations.

FFree — there is a cost somewhere.

GGuarantee your work and act fast to satisfy.

HHire smart, not because someone can fog a mirror.

IIntegrity is the ultimate prescription for a good night’s sleep.

J – Join network groups to build your business.

KKnowledge is king. Commit to lifetime learning.

LLow price is what anyone can do. Sell your value.

MMaking money — you are not in a “not for profit” business.

NNumbers – know them all, inside and out.

OOpportunity is yours for the taking.

P – “Production without killing your people will prove positive.”
—Think About It

QQuigley can help if you want to build your business!

RRetention is the focus, both B2C and B2B.

SStandard procedures grow people and businesses.

TTreat everyone with the utmost respect.

UUnity within your staff creates TEAMWORK.

VValidation of your delivery through social proof will enhance your company.

WWin the only positive outcome.

XXtra mile for everything you do will go far.

YYou make a difference as the OWNER — focus on growth.

ZZero excuses — look in the mirror and be accountable for your success.

—Patrick Quigley, President
Sales Training by Design, Inc.



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