Mike Borys Jr., Western Florida Representative, Ensystex Inc.
As with any insect we deal with, the first step is proper identification of the cockroach species. Each species has its own preference to climate and need for water and food. From there, making every effort to correct sanitation issues and eliminate harborage sites, competing food sources and moisture problems will go a long way. This will make a client’s property less desirable to cockroaches and help stress the population, making it more likely they’ll come in contact with your treatment.
Always remember to rotate bait. Don’t be afraid to carry multiple bait types and active ingredients with you in case they don’t respond to your first choice. Make sure your arsenal is diverse enough to cover all your bases. Just about everything on the market has its place. When used properly, gel and baits, aerosols, monitors and even liquid spray products can be used to achieve successful treatment.
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