Mel Whitson, Senior Field Technical Service Manager, Zoëcon Professional Products
Besides swarms, a common sign for subterranean termites is the presence of mud tubes. These tiny tunnels are built and used by the pests to travel to food sources.
Termites feed on cellulose-based plant materials with a mouth capable of tearing apart woody material, often causing costly property damage to house foundations, furniture, shelves and more. Depending on the species, they may build their colonies in the ground or may infest walls or furniture. Mature, mating termites may spread infestations to multiple locations.
However, it’s not all about sources of wood. To achieve complete control of termites, it’s necessary to deprive them of a moisture source. In some instances, landscape modifications and/or structural repairs may be needed to reduce moisture around the home, including fixing faucet leaks and ensuring proper gutter drainage away from the structure.
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