Rose Eckert-Jantzie, Team Lead, ZappBug
Customer preparation is one of the biggest challenges in bed bug treatments. It is crucial that customers know what prep work needs to be done before your arrival — and in our experience, explaining why aids in customer compliance.
With full residence heat treatment, make sure all dangerous/delicate items have been removed from the house ahead of time. When using heat treatment chambers alongside other treatment methods, make sure to do a thorough inspection of the whole residence to determine where the infestation is concentrated, and treat items located in those areas.
Thorough care and preparation will make the job easier.
Ever heard of “No Prep” Bed Bug Control?? Bed Bug Central teaches it and it works (if you follow their treatment protocol)!!!
I will concede if you use heat treatments some items MUST be removed (or be damaged)!
But with multi-family apartment communities….tenant PREP (or the FEAR of PREP)…..is causing the under reporting of Bed Bug infestations and is ALSO used as an excuse by Pest Control Companies for their treatment failures!!!
At a recent 1/2 day Bed Bug training session at the University of Tennessee with Dr. Karen Vail, ONLY 1 PCO and 1 Apartment Manager HAD EVER HEARD OF “NO PREP” Bed Bug Control (and they were part of the program……a “REAL SUCCESS STORY)!!!!