The Entomological Society of America (ESA) is searching for dynamic, unique photos of insects to appear on covers of its membership magazine, American Entomologist.
The ESA requests to only submit photos of living insects in sharp focus, and in portrait orientation. The association prefers a full visual of the insect in a natural setting, with no human presence visible. Specifications for the photo include:
- Resolution must be at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).
- Width should be at least 8.5 inches.
- Keep the top 30 percent of the photo neutral; the American Entomologist masthead will appear here.
American Entomologist is a quarterly publication, and will accept up to two photos per photographer.
The ESA is accepting submissions through Dec. 1, and requests all photos be emailed to with the subject line “American Entomologist call for cover photos”, along with a caption and photo credit information to be used if the image is published.
For detailed information, visit the association’s website.
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