James Rodriguez, ACE, Technical Director, J.T. Eaton & Co.
Ants are very efficient at entering structures in search of food. Eliminating them via a single-liquid crack-and-crevice treatment is challenging because of liquid pesticides’ limited penetration into voids. Ants originate from the exterior, then into a void, and then into the structure. Dusting wall voids with repellents or non-repellents is effective, but not if the dust is misapplied.
Applying a repellent dust into voids on the structure’s lower levels is often a first line of defense. However, overapplication of repellent dusts can result in the scattering of ants throughout the structure. It also can be costly, and is a label violation. On the other hand, underapplication of dust can result in little or no control, and is a waste of product and time.
With that in mind, calibrating your electric or hand duster before application — and thereby knowing exactly how much dust you’re putting out — helps you comply with label recommendations and treat effectively.
To calibrate manual dusters, weigh a bag on an appropriate-sized scale for a baseline weight. Then squeeze the dust from your duster into the bag five, 10 and 20 times. Reweigh your bag after each set. This will give you an accurate application quantity per set of squeezes for this device.
When using electric dusters, select a specific flow rate, then perform the above test using a five- and 10-second count (instead of squeezes) to determine the quantity of dust being applied per time frame. Please note, however, that electric dusters vary. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for calibration and usage. In addition, always follow label instructions for usage and application of all dusts.
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