NCPMA opens consumer hotline


March 29, 2018

National Pest Management MonthThe NCPMA PestLine offered by the North Carolina Pest Management Association (NCPMA) opens April 1 to answer consumer pest questions. In celebration of April being National Pest Management Month, the PestLine will remain open throughout April, and the association encourages consumers to contact the association with their pest concerns.

Now in its sixth year, the NCPMA PestLine is a free electronic hotline that connects consumers with pest experts who help them identify pests and recommend treatment and prevention strategies.

Past NCPMA PestLine questions have included:

  • What are the signs of termite damage?
  • How can I tell if I have flying ants or termites?
  • How can I tell if I have bed bugs?
  • How can I reduce mosquitoes on my property?
  • What type of inspection will I need if I am buying or selling a home?

The NCPMA PestLine will accept questions and photos from consumers using one of three methods:

  1. Website
  2. Tweet to @ncpestmgmt with hashtag #ncpmapestline
  3. Facebook @NC Pest Management Association


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