Illustration: ©Leo Michael
Ask 10 pest management professionals (PMPs) for the one piece of equipment that saves them the most time, and you will get 10 different answers — pesticides that are fast-acting and long-lasting, pest monitors, routing software, etc. — but will drones soon top their lists?
Drones are becoming more popular with PMPs for good reason. When equipped with aerial cameras, they safely perform building inspections. They are particularly adept at viewing pest entry points and nesting places PMPs may not be able to see without risking life and limb.
Drones outfitted with heat-seeking cameras perform thermal population surveys that reveal the presence of pests. PMPs who do not actually see a problem suddenly are made aware while safely standing on the ground.
Some drones control birds with sound. They also scare away birds that think they are predators.
Drones save time because users can see results in real time. PMPs can share with clients the images and data captured to prove pest problems exist. Drones save money, too, because they do not require much manpower to operate.
It may only be a matter of time before drones land on the top of your list of time-saving equipment.
Read more: How PMPs are using drones
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