The main focus of the Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials (ASPCRO) is to promote a better understanding and efficiency in the administration of pesticide-related laws and regulations. Members strive to address the broad range of structural issues that have an impact on the successful implementation of state, tribal and territorial pesticide programs.
ASPCRO also works closely with affiliate organizations to address any issues of mutual concern and which affects pesticide programs nationally, such as our recent co-hosting of a fumigation workshop with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA). (Editor’s Note: Read more at “ASPCRO packs summer with education outreach” for more details.)
ASPCRO’s 62nd Annual Conference took place Aug. 20-24, in San Antonio, Texas. We had a record number of registrants — 190, including spouses and guests. This year’s sessions focused on a wide range of pesticide-related topics. Here are highlights from the first of the three days’ presentations, although you can read through all our meeting minutes — and those of past meetings all the way back to 1962 — at ASPCRO.org/archive.html:
⦁ Dr. Whitney Qualls, a medical entomologist with the Texas Department of State Health Services, presented “The Aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.” She reported how her organization worked with the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several other entities to coordinate mosquito treatments in the wake of the 2017 hurricane, including aerial spraying. See box at right for some stats from the project.
⦁ University of Georgia entomologist Dr. Brian Forschler presented back-to-back presentations on “Resistance Management and Modes of Action” and “The Biology of Termites.”
⦁ Dr. Robert Puckett, extension entomologist for Texas A&M, focused on crazy ants for his presentation in the structural pest track.
⦁ Dr. Bob Davis, technical service rep with BASF Pest Control Solutions, discussed new technologies in termite control — including recent liquid termiticide label changes.
⦁ PMP Hall of Famer Dr. Roger Gold (Class of 2011), Texas A&M professor emeritus, presented “Sustainable Management Practices Based on Physical Exclusion of Targeted Pests.” He highlighted his research with Polyguard and its product line.
⦁ PMP columnist and NPMA VP of technical and regulatory affairs Dr. Jim Fredericks, along with Royan Teter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, presented “The Global Economy: Implications for the Sale, Distribution and Proper Use of Pesticides.”
⦁ PMP Hall of Famer Billy Tesh (Class of 2017), president of Pest Management Systems Inc., presented “Horrific Infestations and Success Stories” — focusing on residential hoarder accounts.
⦁ Dr. Nancy Hinkle, professor of veterinary entomology at the University of Georgia, tackled the topic of delusory parasitosis.
ASPCRO’s midyear meeting will be held April 1-2, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minn., and our 63rd Annual Conference will take place in Franklin, Tenn., Aug. 28-30, 2019. Please visit ASPCRO.org for more details.
Hurricane Harvey Mosquito Relief Project, by the numbers
- The major species collected was the glades mosquito (Psorophora columbiae), accounting for 22,741 of 105,153 trapped mosquitoes, and found in 21 of 25 Texas counties.
- The most mosquitoes collected in one U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention light trap was 13,440 in Waller County, of which 87 percent (11,712) were the glades mosquito.
- The black salt marsh mosquito (Aedes taeniorhynchus) was frequently collected in the Coastal Bend area. A total of 20,810 specimens were collected in 12 Texas counties.
- The highest landing rate count reported was more than 100 mosquitoes per minute.
- Major vector mosquito species included the southern house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) and the Florida SLE mosquito (C. nigripalpus).
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