Take safety measures when removing stinging insects


January 25, 2019

Dr. Nicky Gallagher, Technical Services Manager, Syngenta Professional Pest Management

Dr. Nicky Gallagher, Technical Services Manager, Syngenta Professional Pest Management

Removing bees and other flying and stinging insects is an important service that requires implementing safety measures, including wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). A bee suit that covers exposed skin should be used and inspected on a regular basis for defects or sizing issues.

A too-tight suit may allow stinging insects to penetrate, but a too-baggy suit may inhibit walking or moving. Move around in the suit and try to reach up or bend down. Did it keep your skin covered during those movements? Duct tape can help seal any gaps, secure wide-cuffed pants to sturdy boots, or secure gloves to the arms of the suit.


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Nicky Gallagher is technical services manager for Syngenta Professional Pest Management in North America.

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