6 key aspects to a pest management businesses


May 8, 2019

The Infinity Gauntlet of Pest Control: Rule your universe

Thanos is back and causing Earth a “titan-load” of trouble in “Avengers: Endgame,” a Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie that hit theaters April 26. It got me thinking about how pest control companies could wield the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.

Now, quit laughing and hear me out: The Marvel gauntlet has no real power unless equipped with Infinity Stones. The six stones in the Marvel universe represent Time, Power, Space, Reality, Soul and Mind. Each stone controls one aspect of existence within that universe, and each is immensely powerful in its own right. Yet, their power multiplies with each additional stone. Having the stones work together completes a circuit of power.

Your pest control company is like the gauntlet; the six key aspects to your business are the pest management infinity stones.

(Editor’s Note: For all you Marvel purists, we made the artistic decision to go with the stone colors as depicted in the MCU, not in the original comic books — which have since been updated to reflect those found in the MCU anyway.)


Time Stone = Route Optimization

Time is money; windshield time between stops is wasted money. Optimizing your service routes will provide higher profit per route — and will most likely increase the satisfaction of your technicians.


Power Stone = Cash Flow

The Power Stone enhances the energy of the wearer; cash flow management enhances the power you have within your business. Without stable cash flow, all other aspects of your business will be weakened. Conversely, strong cash flow will empower all other aspects of your business.


Space Stone = Website Design

The Space Stone allows its user to teleport throughout the universe. Your website provides a “teleportation destination” for all prospects and clients. Wielding the Space Stone effectively means you transport all prospects and clients to a central marketing hub — your website — where they can schedule service, check services offered, build trust in your brand, and pay their bills. A properly designed website will allow your prospects and clients to travel along with you and therefore, build a relationship with you.


Reality Stone = Service Systemization

You can realize the “reality” of consistent, high-quality services with the implementation of service systemization. Simply put, a pest control service system is a codified training procedure for the execution of a service offered. It also can be used to conduct a quality assurance inspection for that service. These training and quality assurance inspections will manifest the “reality” of consistently successful pest control services rendered by your company.


Soul Stone = Valuing Employees

Controlling the souls of the Marvel universe is the purview of the Soul Stone. The soul of your business is your staff. No matter how hard you try, you can’t do everything alone. Your sales staff kindles client relationships; your office and service staffs build and maintain those relationships. Wielding the influence of valued employees will create a positive corporate culture and foster overall satisfaction.


Mind Stone = Owner’s Time

The Mind Stone provides enhanced mental capabilities in thought and creativity. As the owner of your company, you must take time to recharge your mind. You also must take time to work on the structure of your business in addition to the completion of daily tasks. The keen owner will hard-schedule a portion of his or her workweek to simply think about the company and strategically plan the next step. This allows you to plan for eventualities, rather than simply react to current crises.

The Marvel Infinity Stones are portrayed as neither good nor evil. Similarly, the pest management infinity stones are neither good nor evil, they are tools. By collecting, developing, and perfecting these tools, you will create a powerful gauntlet that, if used properly, may even “snap” your competitors out of existence.


Eric Palmer is the owner of Southwest Exterminators, the founder of 7 in 6 Consulting and the author of Scale2Succeed. If you have any questions you can reach him at info@scale2suceed.com


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